Second Edition

Riccardo Farinelli: “As a precarious worker, doing research is like being in a labyrinth and if you don’t want to crash at every turn, it’s useless to run. The sooner you learn, the better you live both at home and in the world of research.” |

Carlo Puggioni: “Comparison with the most expert forces you to look from another point of view and so you realize that what seemed impossible you can now do.” |

Laura Cardani: “Improving thanks to someone who looks at the same situations and problems through different lenses“ |

Tommaso Grimaldi: “Having the opportunity to compare myself with an experienced professional figure external to my work group represented invaluable support, helping me to clarify my future in the institution” |

Federico Gabriele: “Being able to change or modify an idea simply by listening to the experiences and points of view of your colleagues.” |
First Edition

Sara Cutini “The gaze towards history and the transfer of knowledge are two key requirements for the growth of the new generations” |

Sabine Hemmer “Dedicating time to reflecting on the current situation and expectations for the future, alone and through exchanges with the mentor and the group, clarifies ideas and gives confidence to approach new challenges” |

Maria Teresa Ranalli “Having the opportunity to compare: mentoring motivates you to get involved” |

Giulia De Bonis “Guided reflection, sharing, awareness: these are the key words of my journey” |

Diana Carbone “Mentoring: an opportunity for discussion that helps you grow and look within” |

Francesca Lo Cicero “Mentoring for me: a look towards the future, guided by those who have had similar experiences to mine in the past, and sharing with those who were experiencing those same experiences!” |