The goals of the program are:
- Enhance the ability to identify, address, and overcome obstacles encountered early in the career path through discussion with mentors and other mentees(s)
- Provide a tool for identifying career goals through critical reflection of one’s choices and awareness of gender processes and practices in research
- Be a “reference” for mentees
- Reflect on gender dimensions, practices, and processes in research to trigger change
- Promote transformative processes in mentors to produce changes in research structures, toward greater gender inclusion and equality
The methodology

The pairing
Mentor-mentee matching will take place by attempting to reconcile the skills of the mentor(s) with the expectations of the mentee(s).
The results of the shadowing will be communicated following the first meeting.
The mentee candidates will be chosen in a percentage of no more than 1/3 of the pairs formed. The pairs (mentor-mentees) may be mixed depending on compatibility.
Mentors and mentees will be chosen by the coordinating group.
The training activities
The program will include seminar activities addressed to and for young mentees and mentors, aimed at providing all participants with an introduction to the theories of mentoring and the tools needed to implement the program through the activation of pathways of reflexivity and awareness about scientific careers and their gendered structuring.
The objectives of these training activities are multiple:
- To meet the goals of the mentees, who will join the program
- Contribute to the growth of gender awareness in research in the institution
- To provide the mentee(s) with some cognitive elements that will be fundamental to their role in the program