Anna Ceresole: “Inspiration & support!” |
Margherita Primavera: “Mentoring: “do ut des”, to offer younger people part of their experience by acquiring part of theirs.” |
Maria Colonna: “A bridge between two generations for a more inclusive research.“ |
Bénédicte Million: A mirror for both: awareness and inspiration for your own path |
Antonella Incicchiti: Mentoring: “Opportunity to broaden horizons and knowledge on a human and professional level” |
Silvia Arezzini: “mentoring: comparison between generations that allows authentic growth of the community” |
Giovanna Saviano: “We are a dialogue: the sharing of an intention.” (Stanghellini 2017) |
Amedeo Staiano: “Conquer yourself, not the world” |
Paola Gianotti: “Research is done together” |
Domizia Orestano: “Opening up to others to help them blossom also helps our flowering (albeit late)” |