I am an INFN research manager and I am part of the theoretical group of the National Laboratories of the South. I graduated in Catania in 1989 and have had work experience abroad, in particular at the LBL in Berkeley and at GANIL (Caen), in Normandy.
I work on theoretical models that describe the nuclear dynamics of collisions between heavy ions from low energies to intermediate energies. From these studies it is possible to deduce information on still little-known aspects of nuclear structure and the interaction between nuclei and elementary particles, and on the equation of state of nuclear matter. This research also presents interdisciplinary aspects between nuclear physics, neutrino physics and astrophysics.
I also carry out research in the field of applied physics and, in particular, the optimization of nuclear fragmentation models for medical applications.
I collaborate intensely with Italian and international experimental groups. I teach theory of nuclear reactions at the University of Catania and have supervised several graduate and doctoral students.
I really like working with young people. I have been involved in various scientific dissemination initiatives. I was coordinator of the LNS theoretical group and participate in various national and European research projects, also as coordinator.
I am married, I have a 24 year old daughter and a 20 year old son. In my free time I dedicate myself to reading and walking in the mountains or by the sea. I like cinema and appreciate good food. I also enjoy cooking, especially on weekends. I like traveling and getting to know new places, especially when we all manage to leave together!