I was born in Catanzaro on 19/10/1965. I enrolled in the physics degree program at the University of Calabria (Cosenza) in November 1983 and graduated in physics in September 1987, with a dissertation entitled “Phenomenological Strings on Lattice.” I did not intend to become a physicist, my passion was opera music (and still is), but I have never regretted the profession I chose, in fact I am very satisfied with it.
In 1992 I received my Ph.D. degree in physics, with a thesis entitled “Directed photons in the UA2 experiment.” In the summer of 1992 I won a competition for a third-level professional Researcher at the Lecce Section of INFN, where I took up my position in October 1992. In 1993 I was the winner of 2 high school professorship competitions: Physics and Mathematics and Physics, but I chose to stay in INFN.
In 2003, I was the winner of the competition for INFN researcher at the second level (First Researcher), a role in which I am currently tenured.
From late 1988 to 1992 I took part in the UA2 experiment at the SpbarpS collider at CERN. From 1992 until the end of 2006 I participated in the KLOE experiment at the DAΦNE “φ factory” of the LNFs. From 1994 to the present I participate in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC collider at CERN, where I have been and am currently involved in both muon triggering and supersymmetric particle searches. I am involved in studies for experiment proposals at future Colliders. I have worked on hardware for some years, but I am, now for some time, devoted to software and physics analysis. I have supervised and am supervising both undergraduate and doctoral students. I have been and am involved in undergraduate teaching and, for some years, in third mission activities with schools.
I have been married since 1997 to a university colleague, and we have two children who are close to completing their bachelor’s degrees-Mark (22) and Alice (21).