Research executive at the INFN Section in Rome.
Since March 21, 2022, for a two-year term: Scientific Attaché at the Consulate General of Italy in Houston, TX, USA. As of July 2024: President of the Equal Opportunities Committee (CUG) at INFN.Her research activity has been mainly in the field of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, at the LADON photon beam, at L.N.F. INFN, Frascati, at INFN Roma Tor Vergata, at LNGS-INFN, at the CEA/DAPNIA-DPhN beam in Saclay, France and for some detector tests at CERN.
In particular, in the late 1980s she was among the physicists who opened research activities in the now widely expanding field of astroparticle physics and has been particularly involved in direct searches for dark matter and rare processes. She has co-authored more than 350 publications in international journals and more than 150 publications in conference proceedings volumes.
h-index: 72 (19595 citazioni da Google Scholar) al 29/10/2024.