I am a Confirmed Researcher in the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome. I worked on raw materials and mineral deposits when the degree course I taught was Mining Engineering and then on the environment when the course changed to be a degree course in environment and territory. I have done research in Archaeometry studying Etruscan age finds in collaboration with colleagues in Etruscology, but I remain a miner in spirit.
I am currently involved in the development of new materials and the study and characterization of materials used in the construction of CMS detectors as part of the collaboration with the Frascati National Laboratories.
I am a tutor within the QUID group, a project created in Sapienza for an experiment on the quality of teaching addressed to new researchers.
I have been director of the University Museum of Art and Mining Giacimenti Minerari.
I have a 31-year-old daughter, two cats and I am preparing my thesis for a degree in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.